Tuesday/ the long haul from Seattle to Shenzhen

I have said it before :  it’s a long haul from stepping into the taxi cab in Seattle for the airport until I step into my hotel room in Shenzhen, China!  Here’s how it broke down this time.   

Mon 10.00 am leave for the airport from home.  
Mon 1.30 pm Tokyo-bound Boeing 777 departs.
Mon 11.00 pm  Arrive at Narita airport in Tokyo (picture of plane at gate).
> Switch to Tokyo time which is Tue 4 pm !
Tue 4.00 pm  2 hr lay-over at Narita airport.  The Choken Bako bank (picture) from the Akhihabara electronics toy store has a hungry friendly pooch sitting on top.  Drop some coins into his dish and he immediately goes for it, gobbling it up.  (The coins are stored inside the box). 
Tue 7.00 pm Late departure for Hong Kong, skirting by Mount Fuji’s south side (see map, but too dark to see the mountain).   Eat Japanese dinner (picture – rice, veggies, fish : delicious). 
Tue Midnight Arrive Hong Kong.
> Switch to Hong Kong time which is Tue 11.00 pm.  
Tue 11.00 pm Stand in customs line for 40 mins, even then my one checked bag had not arrived.   Bag finally arrives (whew), and driver is still there. 
Wed 1.00 am Go through Hong Kong – Mainland border crossings (even at that time, a long line of vehicles). 
Wed 2.00 am Arrive at hotel in Dameisha in the outskirts of Shenzhen.         

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