Our Democratic Senator in Washington State will survive this election, it looks like. Washington State voters said no no NO to State Income Tax Initiative 1098 (about 65% to 35%). We said no to private stores selling hard liquor (state-owned stores will continue selling it). We repealed a tax on certain grocery items such as soda. We approved a measure that requires a 2/3 majority in the State legislature to increase taxes. Soo .. how to close the $5 billion shortfall during the remainder of the 2009-11 budget period? Washington state will spend about $74.8 billion in this time to provide programs and services to citizens. Looks like there will be fewer policemen, higher tuition fees, less health care for state employees, higher public transport fares. Something’s got to give.
Here are the sources of the State’s money –
.. and here is how the money is spent.
What happened elsewhere? Too many results to list but here are some others .. Meg Whitman ex-CEO of Ebay lost the California Governor’s race against Jerry Brown along with $160 million of her own money spent on her campaign. (Yes, it’s a record amount). Californians nixed Proposition 19 that would have legalized marijuana. Harry Reid, Senate majority leader won against a Tea Party upstart.