Saturday/ HKCCF 2010

Here are a few pictures from the Hong Kong Computer and Communication Festival 2010 at the Hong Kong Exhibition Center this weekend.    The exhibition center is in Wan Chai district on Hong Kong Island.    It was quite crowded, even though it’s not too apparent from the pictures I posted here.

Most of the major hardware and software vendors seemed to be there – Lenovo,  Dell, Toshiba, HP, Samsung, Microsoft, Toshiba, Fujitsu, Brother, Epson – as well as lots of resellers that had little stalls selling cameras, keyboards, mice,  flash cards, portable hard drives, gadgets and gear.   Apple Computer was notably absent.   Some of the vendors that we don’t really know about in the USA were BenQ (notebook computers),  ASK Computer Technology (Google andriod smart pads and cell phones) and Hanvon Corp. (e-book readers, tablet PCs).

I was very intrigued by the ASK 711 SP Smart Pad that runs on Google’s Android system (picture below, website, but the screen was not nearly as nice and as clear as Apple’s iPad’s and I wasn’t sure what processor they used.   It only cost US $200.   The green ice cream picture is just for fun – it’s from Google’s Android website at

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