Tuesday/ a cold day in Munich 🥶

I put on full kit and kaboodle this morning, before venturing out in the frigid weather. I limited my excursions outside to Hauptbahnhof and Marienplatz.
(The day started at -7 °C and the high briefly reached 0°C.)

The Line 19 street car stops almost in front of my hotel, at Am Lok-schuppen station.
I used it to run out the Hauptbahnhof (main station), and to Marienplatz. There is a ticket machine on the street car– very convenient, and only €11,10 for a Zone 3 day ticket.
There is not much of the Hauptbahnhof buildings visible from the street, because of a major construction-refurbishment project that is underway.
Marienplatz and its ‘new’ town hall. New is a relative term here. Marienplatz has been the city’s main square since 1158. I took this picture from inside the Hugendubel bookstore on the square.
Taking a closer look at the clock tower of the town hall.
Inside the U-bahn station by Marienplatz. This track serves the trains running on the U3 and U6 lines.
Here are the platforms at the Münchner Freiheit U-bahn station.
Now I’m back at Marienplatz, and the sunlight that had added a few degrees to the chilly temperatures is fading fast. So it is getting really cold again.
The iconic town towers of the Frauenkirche nearby Marienplatz. This church was constructed from 1468–1488.
Volt Germany is a social-liberal pro-European, eurofederalist political party in Germany.
A federal election will be held in Germany on 23 February 2025 to elect the 630 members of the 21st Bundestag.
Check out this poster.
LET’S TAKE BACK THE FUTURE— with a strong Europe against Trump and Putin.
Sunset here is at 4.48 pm. I have just stepped off the street car at Am Lok-schuppen station for the 3 minute walk to my hotel.

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