Saturday/ contemplating a new camera

I keep telling myself it’s time for a new DSLR* Canon or Nikon camera – but do I ‘deserve’ one?  It’s been five years since I bought a new camera, so time for a new one, no?   I did an on-line survey, and here is the result (one of four outcomes).

Awesome! You don’t spend money too easily on gear. You know your style of photography and what equipment is needed to achieve your goals. You have every right to spoil yourself once in a while with a nice new toy. Because you’re making good use of it. And anyone who buys your used gear is fortunate because you take good care of things. The top-of-the-range mirrorless will do for you. You’ll even deliver with a point-and-shoot. And give full-frame a try!

*Digital Single Lens Reflex

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The corner of Olive Way and Broadway here on Capitol Hill on Friday night. The No 43 bus has just pulled up to the stop in the background. This is an iPhone 5 picture. 

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