Saturday and Sunday/ Hansville outing

The Seattle area’s mild and sunny weather has continued into the weekend .. and so Bryan and I went with Paul to his cabin in Hansville on Saturday for the day, and came back on Sunday morning.   (Hansville is an unincorporated community on the Kitsap peninsula in Puget Sound west of the city).   

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This is Saturday afternoon. We had been ‘inspecting’ Paul’s neighbor’s fancy aluminum gangway, and continued walking along the beach.
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I am tending to the ‘dogs’ and buns on the grill. The ‘dogs’ are actually chicken and apple sausages.
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This is the view up along the trunk of one of the Douglas fir trees around the deck at the house.
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We’re on the ferry on the way back from Kingston on the Kitsap Peninsula to Edmonds on the mainland. In the distance is a container ship from the Far East that is headed for Tacoma harbor.  Fltr is Bryan, Paul and Sam (a Brittany spaniel).

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