I am at Denver airport, and it looks like I will be able to get out of here just ahead of several inches of snow that may accumulate tonight and tomorrow morning. Locations around the city of Denver expect 6 to 10 inches of snow by Friday afternoon – not a good outlook for continued operations at the airport, I would say. The airport is some 25 miles west from the city.
Wahoo’s Fish Tacos is in a cute triangular shack on the outskirts of Denver downtown on 20th Ave. It was ‘nice’ outside .. hey, we could walk to lunch without a scarf and gloves (44 F/ 6 C).Here’s the inside, very nicely done. The lamp shades are fish, see? And are those cats on the wall, jumping at us?This is 6 pm at Denver International Airport. The stuff in the air is fine snow, not yet sticking to the road surface. But there’s a lot more on the way. The check-in lady actually told me to my face ‘just so I know, the Seattle Seahawks will lose’ on Sunday (in the Superbowl) ! Well, we will see about that, I said.