Monday/ arrival in Denver

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Here’s Denver airport’s signature tent canvas roof. This is at the baggage claim section. The rest of the airport’s roof is much more conventional.

I made my very early start, waiting at 4 am for the TSA to open their security lines, boarded at 4.40 am, and arrived at Denver airport 9 am local time.   Got the rental car (you have to wait for a shuttle bus that goes to the rental car lot), and drove into the city.  It’s a good 40 min drive to the offices, and my Google Map’s turn-by-turn directions led me astray.  So by now it was 11 am.   Our project manager introduced me to about 30 people, and I sat in four meetings, which made for a very long day – but it’s very nice to have the whole Denver downtown to explore.    And hey, I have a shared office and they had my computer all set up.

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Here’s a stack-up of 70s geometries from downtown, close to where our project offices are.
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This is Trinity United Methodist Church.
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The Brown Palace Hotel in downtown.

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