Tuesday/ Antelope Island State Park

Our Marriott Courtyard hotel is in Layton, between Salt Lake City and Ogden.  It’s on Antelope Drive.  We leave the hotel too early to get breakfast or even coffee in the morning, so we checked out the Starbuckses closest to the hotel.  The two green balloons at the top right is where we are, on Antelope Avenue.  That’s when I noticed there is an Antelope Island in the Salt Lake; turns out the whole island is a State Park.  So now I have to find time to drive out there on the water with that ‘Syracuse’ road to go and check it out. Google Maps is always there to provide a preview, of course (and spoil the fun of discovering it for real a little bit. We live in the information age and nothing seems to be completely hidden away anymore!).

Starbucks Locator
Our hotel is by the two green balloons at the top right. No Starbuckses on Antelope Island (I would HOPE not : the whole island is a State Park).
Antelope island sm
The scenery on Utah’s Antelope Island State Park (courtesy of Google Maps and Google Streetview) reminds me of the arid Karoo region in South Africa.

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