Saturday/ last day in New York City

I tried one more time to get into the 9/11 Memorial, but the only slots available were late Saturday afternoon, and I didn’t make it back there to go inside.  (At the base of the tower a group of 9/11 conspiracy theory believers were making their case. Man! Give it up).  Late morning in Manhattan there were gusty winds, with showers in the afternoon.  I learned on the news two tornadoes touched down at the edge of New York City! — but no serious injuries were reported.

Here’s a day-time view of the Freedom Tower (One World Trade Center), now at 105 stories, already making it the tallest building in Manhattan. The steel frame has topped out; the spire of glass and antenna still has to follow.
The main entrance of the New York Times building on 8th Avenue (52 floors). It’s fairly new : completed in 2007.
I had to go check out Grand Central Station’s main entrance (Park Ave and 42nd St). It was one of the pictures of New York City in my ViewMaster (disk with slide show pictures) many, many years ago !
The Chrysler Building is not far away, on Lexington Ave and 42nd St. It is an Art Deco style skyscraper, and is surrounded by several other very, very fine examples of art deco.
Art Deco on Lexington Ave – and no, this is not the iPhone Apple, it’s a different Apple.
The corner of the same building (I couldn’t get enough of the Art Deco). I am not sure if the silver metal cladding on the building on the left is old or new.
The Stars and the Stripes on a lamp post on 42 nd Street.
This is a food vendor on a street corner by Bryant Park.
This is about 8 pm on Saturday night after a downpour, looking south over the trees in Bryant Park at 42nd Ave. Yes, that is the Empire State building (on 34th Ave).
A closer look at the Empire State building’s top, this is from 36th st and 6th Ave.
This is close to Herald’s Square where Macy’s is, a designer studio from what I can tell. I am having trouble keeping the raindrops off my camera lens.
A night time shot of Grand Central Station’s facade. Shortly after this it started raining hard again, and I went back to the hotel.


One Reply to “Saturday/ last day in New York City”

  1. Hallo Willem, Al jou “briewe” van China is altyd baie interessant, maar ek is seker jy het NY geniet, die tyd is net altyd te min. Net soos London, Parys en Rome, is daar nooit genoeg tyd vir alles wat NY mens bied nie. Jy is bietjie deur reën gekortwiek, maar ek belowe jou dit kan so verskriklik warm word dat mens dit ook nie na buite kan waag nie! Wanneer gaan jy weer China toe? Hier alles onder beheer en die mooi lente dae word al hoe meer. Ons wil Woensdagoggend gou ry om blomme te gaan kyk voor dit te laat is vir die blommeseisoen. Jou ouers is baie opgewonde oor Piet-hulle se besoek
    Mooi loop en alles van die beste Liefde

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