.. and then right back to Hong Kong for my trip home on Thursday. Did I have to come to work for one day? Yes, a lot is happening and I have to hand over to some team members that arrived back on site. It is summer, and the humidity is everywhere. Someone left the men’s washroom door open here in the building and the mirror is full of condensate. The marble floor is damp in places.
Just a few more pictures from yesterday –
Riding the tram is fun, but offers no getting out of the steamy heat. My camera lens fogs up immediately when I take it out, but then it warms up and it is OK. That’s Two IFC (International Finance Center) in the background with the tapered top.
This truck with the Liverpool soccer team on was in front of the Adidas store in Kowloon. ‘You’ll never walk alone’ it says in green .. meaning – you’d always have some buds in the pub and something to talk about? Inside the store they had only a few of the World Cup t-shirts in my size, so I didn’t buy any. But check out this very political t-shirt they also sell : Robben Island (with Cape Town in the background) where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned. 46664 was his prisoner number.