I ran into this 2018 set of Ukrainian stamps while researching the stamp with the Russian warship on (Thursday’s post).
The characters are too cute for words (but each has a letter, and a word, nonetheless).
I compiled the table below with a little help from Google Translate.
ЕНЕЛЯТКО stumped it, though : a word that has to be Ukrainian for alien or extraterrestrial.
ҐАВА was also a problem; must be raven, I thought— but another online translator indicated it is crow.
ПИРОГИ looked like hats in the tree, but turned out to be pyroghie pies, in fact.

Letter | Ukrainian | English |
A | АНГEЛ anhel | ANGEL ˈānjəl |
Б | БІЛКА bilka | SQUIRREL ˈskwər(ə)l |
B | ВЕДМІДЬ vedmidʹ | BEAR ber |
П | ПИРОГИ pyrohy | PIES pīs |
З | ЗАЄЦЬ Zayetsʹ | HARE her |
Г | ГАРБУЗ harbuz | PUMPKIN ˈpəm(p)kən |
Е | ЕНЕЛЯТКО | ALIEN ˈālēən |
Д | ДРАКОН drakon | DRAGON ˈdraɡən |
Ґ | ҐАВА gavɐ | CROW krō |
Є | ЄНОТ Yenot | RACCOON raˈko͞on |
Ж | ЖАБА zhaba | FROG frôɡ |