The Puget Sound Energy (electric utility) website has a cost calculator for equivalent electric and internal combustion engine ‘ICE ‘(gasoline) vehicles.
Here are the results for a Tesla Model 3 Long-range vs. a BMW X1 sDrive2Bi. Bottom line for me: It’s no contest. The Tesla wins from Day One (zero emissions), and outright from a total cost of ownership perspective, after 4 years.
A typical gas-burning passenger car puts 4 US tons of CO2 (carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere every year: 20 pounds for every gallon of gasoline burnt. It seems impossible that a gallon of gasoline (about 6.3 pounds), could produce 20 pounds of CO2. However, most of the weight of the CO2 doesn’t come from the gasoline itself, but from the oxygen in the air that it combines with.

The last line is the most important.

Assumptions: Electricity Rate $0.107/kWh | Gas Price $4.60/ gal | Sales Tax 10%

Assumptions: Purchase Method: Cash | Mileage15,000 miles per Year | Sales Tax 10%