Friday/ still a long way down?

I guess it could have been an uglier week on Wall Street. (The three major indices actually ended up more or less where they started the week).

A great February jobs report* did not help at all today: it is in the past, and says nothing about the economic impact of the coronavirus.

Donald Trump would do well to just shut up about it — but he cannot. He has to be the bride at the wedding, the corpse at the funeral, and the expert on the coronavirus.

*273,000 jobs added; employment rate at 3.5%.

The carnage of the 2008-09 financial crisis was epic. Man! Hopefully that end point on the far right, is not even close to where we are headed with the economic impact of the coronavirus. The United States stumbled in its initial coronavirus response (unprepared, faulty test kits, muddled messages from the White House), and will only now be able to start large-scale testing of patients and people at risk.

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