Friday/ the Space Needle is ready

The Space Needle’s five year, $100 million project is complete.  The original structure is still very sound, and not a lot of structural work was needed.

Instead, new floor-to-ceiling glass panels were installed, staircases were widened, and on the observation deck, floor-to-sky structural glass was added. The erstwhile solid steel floor is now ten layers of glass, designed so that the top layer can be replaced, once it gets a little worn out and scratched.

P.S. A bizarre event started to unfold at 7.32 pm tonight at Sea-Tac airport. A suicidal 29-year old man (ground service agent) took off in an empty Bombardier Q-400 from Horizon Air (a turboprop plane that can carry 76 passengers). It scared the daylights out of everyone; two F-15 jets were scrambled from Oregon, and tried to get him to land. He died when he crashed the airplane on Ketron island in south Puget Sound, some 30 miles from the airport. Miraculously, no buildings were damaged, and no one else was hurt.

I took this picture of the Needle and a whirlybird tonight from Volunteer Park. The Needle is 1.7 miles (2.7 km) away as the crow flies. The flag on top says Pearl Jam -Seattle’s rock band formed in 1990. Pearl Jam put on a big charity concert tonight in the city’s baseball park, part of an initiative to fight homelessness in the city.

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