Friday/ downtown Portland

Here are some pictures from Friday.  We found lots to look at, and things to do, close to the hotel in downtown Portland.  The weather was sunny and mild and we just went on a walkabout, stopping at different places.

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We’re on the banks of the Willamette river, and just in time to see the drawbridge open up for a barge that needs to pass through underneath.
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Here is a street car that stopped at a plaza close to the University of Portland.  I could not fit the street car in one frame and so I clicked three times instead !
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Here is Starbucks’s mug for the city of Portland, also called the City of Roses.
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This was our lunch spot, called Huber’s.  It is billed as the city’s oldest restaurant, some 178 years old.  Check out the cool lead and glass skylights.
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This is the famous Voodoo Doughnut Store. Most mornings the line of patrons stretches around the corner.
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This offering from Voodoo Doughnut has chocolate, crushed Oreo cookie and caramel on.
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We found this happy group of Portland dancers in one of the plazas in the city. They look Polish or East Euopean to me, but the sign just called them ‘The Portland dancers’.
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This is the chalkboard from Powell’s bookstore. (It is a very large and unique bookstore. If it ever closes, civilization as we know it will have come to an end).
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Friday was May 1, International Workers’ Day,and this small group made a go of it to protest working conditions, wages and the USA’s immigration policies. There was no serious confrontations or violence. (Not so in Seattle, where cars were damages and protesters and police were injured).

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