What a crazy day .. jam packed with meetings and emergency e-mails (‘Can you send it right now? On a phone call; I need it right away’) and conversations. Forget about lunch – no time; had to leave at 1.30 pm to make my 3.45 pm flight. At 1.45 pm I got up, yelled at my colleague (his flight was later). ‘Pack it up! We’re leaving !’. We ran into some some traffic on the way to the airport, and at the Hertz Car Rental return, the attendant noticed a big scrape on the back wheel well. ‘What’s this?’ she asked. Shocked, I said ‘I have no idea when that happened or who did it’. I filled out a form to admit to the damage (a good thing that American Express insures our corporate car rentals), signed it, and now I had to make a run for the security checkpoint at International Terminal A. ‘Can I still check my bag?’ I asked at the check-in counter. ‘Yes, but they started boarding 5 minutes ago and we cannot guarantee that it will make it onto the plane’. Please check it, I said. (Thinking : the overhead bins are sure to be full by the time I get there. I could gate-check the bag at the plane, but then I’d have to throw out the toothpaste and shaving cream and a few other items to get it through security. Not doing that.) Anyway .. made it onto the plane with time to spare, and my bag made it onto the plane as well. I love Alaska Airlines.