We stayed very late at the office last night, and we were very happy to get out of there today .. but the work never really stops. When I got at San Francisco airport after driving the rental car there this afternoon, there were 20 new e-mails on my smartphone. One simply said ‘Send KDD* slides’, from our project manager. Yikes. This must be urgent, I thought. *KDD stands for key design decisions, that our proposed solution will be built on.
The file is large and I could not send it with my phone. I had no luck using the airport’s wireless network either. (For my second attempt I was at the TSA security station. The notebook computer screen was open, and the agent closed it before I could stop him, killing the connection). Aargh. Right, I only had 5 more minutes before I had to board my flight. Time to pull out the heavy artillery : my Verizon ‘Mi-Fi’ JetPack. It creates a secure personal hot spot (wireless connection). Let’s go, let’s go .. why so slow? send it ! wait for the confirmation .. yes! made it.