Tuesday/ Drought of the Century

99% of almonds produced in the USA are fromIMG_5401 sm California – but maybe not for much longer.  The Golden State is on track to record its driest year in a century; possibly several centuries.   So I buy the almonds while I can.  As for the drought, the weather service has invented an additional category of dryness. There is Abnormally Dry, Moderate Drought, Severe Drought and Extreme Drought.  Now they have added ‘Exceptional Drought’.  I think they should go for ‘Drought of the Century’.  Or ‘It Never Rains in (Southern) California’ Drought, after the 1972 song by Albert Hammond.

[From Wikipedia] The song concerns the struggles of an actor who moves out to California to pursue a career in Hollywood but does not have any success and deteriorates in the process.  In the chorus, Hammond sings, “It never rains in California, but girl don’t they warn ya. It pours, man it pours.”

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