I got to ‘sleep in’ until 6.30 am today. I had a teeth cleaning and check-up scheduled at the dentist for 7.30 am. It was raining and I thought I would take the car to the dentist, come back to the house and have the taxi (to the airport) pick me up there. But at 7 am I discovered the car was dead as a dodo – man! I thought, how strange, since it started perfectly fine on Saturday. (Time for a new car? is always the question).
Anyway, I saw on my iPhone that the next no 10 bus with its stop close by my house was just 4 minutes away, so that became Plan B, and got me to downtown (the dentist) in good time. The taxi picked me up at the dentist at 8.30 am, took me home to pick up my luggage, and off to the airport we went. The 11 am flight was delayed by 30 minutes, which was a good thing for me. (Not so good for the people with tight connections in Denver). Another taxi from Denver airport to downtown, and it was 4 pm by the time I rolled into the office. What a day.