Monday/ to Pittsburgh

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I can now watch TV at 6.00 am in the Yellow Cab to Seattle airport (NOT).
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And here is a new Blackberry Z10 booth right by the security checkpoint, saying ‘Never Break Stride’. Yes, I thought, so much for that.  Going through airport security definitely  breaks one’s stride. Especially if you have to carry two notebook computers that have to come out of the bags with liquids, watches, smartphones and iPads, shoes off, belt off, empty pockets. 
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Here I am waiting at the door to board the plane in Minneapolis-St.Paul, for Pittsburgh.

I took Delta again to Pittsburgh with the stop in Minneapolis-St.Paul this morning.  The Yellow Cab company always makes my house phone ring, announcing ‘Your cab has arrived’ .. and then it’s another 3-4 minutes before the cab shows up.  And there is still no Yellow Cab Seattle iPhone app .. come on people, get with the program! : )

It was raining in Seattle, but clear and warmer out east.  In fact, it is high summer in Pittsburgh with the temperatures in the 90s (low 30s C).

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