Thursday/ yikes! the bridge is out

From : The Interstate 5 bridge over the Skagit River at Mount Vernon collapsed Thursday evening, dumping vehicles and people into the water shortly after 7 p.m.  Here is a link

Three people and their cars ended up in the river, but was pulled out and seem to be doing fine.  At this point there are no known fatalities. The bridge was built in 1955*, and is some 65 miles north of Seattle, and the four-lane structure sees an average daily traffic of about 71,000.  So this spells trouble for the immediate area. There is an alternate route and a newer bridge, but it was not designed for nearly as much traffic.

*Designated ‘functionally obsolete’ on its most recent inspection reports but apparently that does not mean the bridge is unsafe.  (Sounds as it was overdue for an upgrade or replacement, though).

Here is an aerial view of the Skagit River bridge on I-5 some 65 miles north of Seattle that collapsed Thu night after a too-tall truck struck the overhead trusses.
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Here is my first official Tesla sighting in Seattle, today Thursday. I was across the street and the white Tesla (brake lights on, middle of the picture) came right by -stealthily as these electric cars do – and turned into the Starbucks on Olive Way to pick up a woman with a latte (I’m guessing) in hand. I want one! (A Tesla).
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My friends and I like to go to alehouses, and here is Wednesday night’s pick : the Tippe and Drague Alehouse in Beacon Hill. I had a Gigantic Vienna Lager. (Regular size, the gigantic is part of the name of the beer).

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