Friday/ grumpy cat is a rock star

One of my favorite memes of grumpy cat.

I mentioned the internet meme ‘longcat’ in a previous post.  Now there’s grumpy cat.  Grumpy Cat lives in Arizona and she has her own Facebook page (of course). The kittty was even flown to the South by Southwest® (SXSW®) conference/ festival in Austin Texas* this week to make an appearance there.

*Running this year from Mar 8-17 it is an annual festival of original music, independent films, and emerging technologies.  Twitter took the show by storm as a start-up in 2007, and Foursquare did the same in 2009. (Foursquare lets social media users ‘check in’ at places such as restaurants and recommend then to friends.  But lately there has been no big buzz start-ups emerging from SXSW.

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