I took it easy today, just resting up and reading the Sunday newspapers. I did walk down eight blocks to Starbucks on Olive Way to have some coffee and a slice of lemon pound cake -as birthday cake! .. I will look to celebrate it later, such as next weekend. One does not need a birthday for throwing a party, right?
This is Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney (right), with his running mate Paul Ryan, from a write-up in the alternative newspaper Seattle Weekly. As the writer Paul Constant says – Ryan is .. ‘the Republicanist of Republicans’ .. ‘anti-choice, pro-discrimination, anti-gay, anti-public education, anti-environment, pro-big business, anti-gun control and anti-separation of church and state’.Not much new information about jet lag in this article from the NY Times, but they do confirm my experience that east-to-west travel is much harder to adjust to, than west-to-east.Since I always struggle to recommend to visitors what sights to see or what to do in Johannesburg, I’m keeping this article from the NY Times Travel section. (No mention of the terrible incident from last week at a mine 40 miles northwest of Johannesburg in which 34 miners were shot and killed by police during a violent protest). .. but I’d be very hesitant to say it’s OK for a foreigner on his/ her own to go attend a soccer match at FNB Stadium.
Thanks Bryan! Yes, ANOTHER one. There’s NO stopping them, these birthdays!