Friday/ the project team’s day off

The project team had Friday off from work.  Our plans to go to a water park were changed – to go to an indoor spa in Shenzhen instead (the weather was uncooperative since it was still raining outside).   And here in the Far East, Friday night had almost come and gone before the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony got underway (at 4 am).  I watched it for an hour or so on local CCTV and then went back to sleep. (Yes, I did see the ‘Queen’ parachute into the stadium with ‘James Bond’ 007!).

This is on the way in the spa. Hopefully the French do not mind that Shenzhen put Mona Lisa on display! Certainly makes her more accessible than the original bullet proof glass in the Louvre.
The spa that we went to is inside the building on the left of the picture.  The building on the right with the thin white ‘pillars’ and black towers is the Shenzhen Sheraton (not the same as the Dameisha Sheraton where we go many Friday nights for a burger and a beer).
This is a dragon fish (an Asian arowana), from a fish tank inside the spa. It is a predatory surface fish, and they get oxygen from the air by jumping out of the water and sucking air into their swim bladders.
A little 2012 London Olympics display in the Central Walk shopping mall nearby. It is actually the Tai Hing company promoting their ‘angry’ milk tea product. Milk tea comes from Hong Kong and is just black tea with evaporated or condensed milk added.
A display sign nearby .. the ‘angry’ milk tea (probably a reference to the game ‘angry birds’) against a backdrop of London.


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