Saturday/ walking around Capitol Hill

This artwork is in the Safeway grocery store on 15th Ave.
The green house on the corner of 13th Ave and John is at least a 100 years old, and now has a brand new set of small apartments brushing up against it. (I believe they are apartments and not condos).
The view of the Capitol Hill Light Rail station from John Street is not much different, but the tunnel boring from Capitol Hill to the University of Washington is now complete. Still a long way to go to 2016 when the station opens!
This artist is at work the corner of Olive Way and Belmont. I couldn't quite make out the lettering.
And this truck was parked on 15th Ave and sold organic parfait ice cream (it has custard in, so more egg than regular ice cream). There were lots of people in line the first time I walked by .. and parfait is French for 'perfect'.

Here are a few pictures from my neighborhood walk last around Capitol Hill on Friday night.  The streak of summery weather is coming to an end with rain in the forecast for Sunday.


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