Tuesday/ it’s Venus and Jupiter ⭐️ 🌟

The clouds have cleared, and there is a nice view of the Venus-Jupiter conjunction* tonight in the Western night sky here tonight.
Hopefully the sky will be clear tomorrow night as well, when they will appear to be even closer.

*Conjunction means two astronomical objects appear close to each other in the sky, as seen from our view on Earth. Jupiter is still some 400 million miles away from Venus (on average 416 million miles away).

From EarthSky.org: Throughout February 2023, Venus and Jupiter shine brightly in the west after sunset. They edge closer together throughout the month. On the evening of February 28, 2023, they are approaching a close conjunction. As seen from the Americas, their closest pairing is shortly after sunset on March 1. After their conjunction, Venus will continue its reign as our bright “evening star” until August 2023. Jupiter will disappear in the sunset glare sometime in March.
[Chart via John Jardine Goss / EarthSky]

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