Tuesday/ no recall in California

‘I want to focus on what we said yes to as a State.
We said yes to science; we said yes to vaccines;
we said yes to ending this pandemic;
we said yes to peoples’ right to vote without fear of fake fraud or voter suppression;
we said yes to a woman’s fundamental constitutional right to decide what she does with her body, her faith and her future;
we said yes to diversity;
yes to inclusion;
we said yes to pluralism;
we said yes to all those things we hold dear as Californians – and I would argue as Americans: economic justice, social justice, racial justice, environmental justice, our values, where as Californians had made so much progress.
All those were on the ballot this evening.
And so I’m humbled and grateful to the millions and millions of Californians that exercised their right to vote, and expressed themselves so overwhelmingly to rejecting the division, by rejecting the cynicism, by rejecting so much of the negativity that’s defined our politics in this country over the course of so many years’.
– California Governor Gavin Newsom at a press conference tonight

Good news from California: the recall of Governor Gavin Newsom has failed.
This was a sour-grapes, politicizing-of-COVID effort from the Republican Party of Suffering and Death to unseat Newsom; a waste of $276 million. Per California law they had needed only 50% of the vote to recall Newsom, and install the challenger with the most votes. In this recall it would have been Larry Elder, a conservative radio talk show host and Trumpist.  That would have been downright awful.

Governor Newsom speaking after the projections show that he will defeat the recall.
[Still from CNN broadcast]

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