Friday/ 21 (or 28) days is best

My text message from University of Washington (UW) Medicine.

My appointment for the second Pfizer shot has been rescheduled, to exactly 21 days out, from my first shot (4 days later than the 17 days out, that I was told at first).

Per a text message from my health care provider, the  CDC guidance for second shots has been updated. (It seems that before today, there was a 4-day grace period, so the second shot could be had as early as 4 days before the 21-day mark, or 4 days after the 21-day mark).

You should get your second shot as close to the recommended 3-week or 4-week interval as possible. However, your second dose may be given up to 6 weeks (42 days) after the first dose, if necessary. You should not get the second dose early … However, if you do receive your second shot of COVID-19 vaccine earlier or later than recommended, you do not have to restart the vaccine series. 

P.S. So Johnson & Johnson’s single-shot vaccine is back in business, in the US, in Europe and in South Africa. Good news.

The pandemic rages in India, with 300,000 new cases per day, and on a steep upward trajectory. People wait to cremate victims who died due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), at a crematorium ground in New Delhi, India, April 23, 2021. [REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui]
Am I going insane? asks a Twitter user, as he posts this picture. Only 1% of Japanese citizens have been vaccinated — and the Games is on? I will believe it when the opening ceremony starts.

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