Tuesday/ uglier than Charlottesville

Picture and headline from the New York Times. Does it matter if it is legal or not? Taking children from migrant parents as punishment, is immoral. How can the United States possibly call itself a civilized country with this going on?

Trump’s support of the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August last year was a particularly low point (‘very fine people’).

But what is going on now at the border is even uglier. The New York Times: ‘United States authorities had separated several hundred children, including toddlers, from their parents or others claiming to be their family members, under a policy of criminally prosecuting undocumented people crossing the border’.

And so what does Trump do today? Does he own it? Does he defend it? Does he explain it? Of course not. He peddles FOUR BRAZEN LIES in a single short tweet.

Here is thinkprogress.org’s analysis: 1. There is no legislation requiring the Trump administration to separate children from their parents; 2. The Trump administration is fully responsible for the family separation policy; 3. Republicans are the lawmakers standing in the way of immigration reform; 4. Trump has not started building the wall.

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