Saturday/ a poster of ‘Nihontown’

On Saturday I took the street car down to Seattle’s Japan Town (it really occupies just a few city blocks, adjacent to the much larger Chinatown).  I ended up buying this 2008 poster called ‘Nihontown’.  It is from a local artist called Ken ‘Enfu’ Taya, and here is a full explanation of the mash-ups of American and Japanese icons that had been crammed into the poster, from his website.

Examples of American-Japanese cultural icon mash-ups : the Budweiser-Yebisu beer label became Yebiweiser; look for Mickey Mouse and Astro Boy; Prius autobots fighting a Hummer by spitting out leaves; what’s for dinner? : the beef steak (meat) and salmon steak (fish) becomes ‘mish’.
NihonTown_Poster_FINAL_060509 EPS.eps
Here is the full poster.

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