Yes, ginger beer has no alcohol, but is nonetheless brewed, as well. The cap says to turn the bottle upside down before opening it.
It’s Sunday night. My bags are packed, and my peace made with what I could get to, for the weekend, and what I could not. There will be another weekend soon, right?
I could not resist this instant rice bowl : perfect for when I come home on Thursday nights and want to warm something up to eat. Check out the moon doggie. And good enough for astronauts is good enough for ME! (Hm. Has there ever been any Korean astronauts? I will check into that).
Check out my grocery items from my stop at the Asian grocery store Uwajimaya on Saturday. We are omnivores (most of us), and modern-day scavengers for food : food in the grocery store, that is, not the jungle or the savanna !