My friends and I went ten-pin bowling for the first time in years on Saturday night. We did not do too badly, breaking a 100 for both the rounds. (Yes, a long way from the perfect score of 300, but spare a thought for President Obama’s bowling disaster while on the 2008 campaign trail. While attempting to woo blue collar voters in Pennsylvania, he bowled a 37. Several balls into the gutter. The late night comedians were relentless in making fun of it.) Afterwards we went to Jack’s BBQ. The owner (Jack, of course) that started the restaurant spent 12 years working at Microsoft and decided it was time to pursue his passion for making barbecue the way they do in Texas, and offering it to Seattle diners. The brisket that I had was great, and I give the black-eyed-pea salad top marks as a very tasty side dish.