These page size posters are still up on lamp posts and public message boards here in Seattle. (Vote – as long as you vote Obama? For an excellent analysis of the 2012 election results, check out http://elections.nytimes.com/2012/results/president). So now the ‘fiscal cliff’ is approaching as we race toward the end of the year (never mind the Mayan calendar that predicts the end of the world on Dec 21!). Several tax breaks expire, and some new ones are kicking in. For the newly-elected President : to make a deal or not with the intransigent Republicans? In particular, they want the Bush tax cuts of 2001 that will expire the end of this year, to be extended for the wealthy even though there is a yawning deficit between the government’s income and expenditures. Well. Let’s not make a deal, says economist Paul Krugman – http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/09/opinion/krugman-lets-not-make-a-deal.html.