Wednesday/ campaign frenzy

Less than two weeks, and we will know the outcome of the 2012 US Presidential election.  It is safe to say those of us that care about politics are a little on edge, given the razor-thin margins in the polls. President Obama’s stop at The Tonight Show (hosted by Jay Leno) was part of a 48 hour whistle-stop tour around the country.  (OK, so he flies on Air Force One and does not go by steam train).  He was very well received, and poked fun at Donald Trump’s supposed ‘bomb-shell’ announcement that was to upset the campaign*, and at Governor Mitt Romney forgetting his own long-held positions in the final weeks of the campaign (it is ‘Romnesia’ : a pre-existing condition and Obamacare can help out with that).

*Trump pledged $5 million to a charity of President Obama’s choice, provided the president makes public his college applications and transcripts and releases his passport history.  Trump is a ‘birther’, refusing to believe Obama is an American citizen.

President Barack Obama on the Tonight Show, talking to Jay Leno.

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