Sunday/ Stellenbosch

sbStellenbosch is South Africa’s second oldest European settlement (after Cape Town), founded in 1679 by then-Governor of the Cape, Simon van der Stel.  Stellenbosch means ‘(Van der) Stel’s Forest.   Stellenbosch University was founded in 1866.   Its logo has a little oak leaf in it, a nod to the nickname for Stellenbosch,  ‘City of Oaks’.

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The main building of the Faculty of Engineering (with some construction going on downstairs). Freshman engineering students attend lectures in the main building and then graduate to the buildings dedicated to Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Electrical Engineering behind the main building.
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The JH Neethling Building houses the Faculty of Agrisciences.
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This Jewish synagogue is on Van Rynveveld Street, and is almost 100 years old.
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This building used to be a girls’ school, but is now a museum (containing exhibits of earlier days and peoples from Africa). It is also on Van Ryneveld Street.
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These giant ficus trees are at the back of the main administration building on Victoria Street.
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A building in Plein Street displaying the typical Cape Dutch architecture that prevailed in the 17th and 18th century in the Cape Province.

2 Replies to “Sunday/ Stellenbosch”

  1. Hallo Willem, Hoop jy het lekker gekuier, Marelu en kie is reeds terug in Engeland. Dit was goed om jou te sien en n a v die foto’s wat jy geneem het, het jy seker “padkos” vir die dae wanneer jy na SA verlang. Mooi bly en voorspoed en ek hoop jy kom veilig tuis. xxx

    1. hallo tannie Adre! Ek sien nou eers hierdie boodskappie raak. Dit was baie lekker om julle te sien. (Ons het nagereg vir twee etes gehad by my ma se woonstel met die melktert en soutpastei, baie dankie daarvoor ook). Ja, ek geniet dit regtig om rond te loop en foto’s te neem; kry net gewoonlik nie genoeg kans daarvoor na my sin nie! liefde, Willem

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